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Managing Your Heart Palpitations | Anti-Arrhythmic Medications | Dr. Curnew #Atrialfibrillation
Birth Control & Your Heart | Dr. Curnew MD
Webinar: Living with Atrial Fibrillation | Treatment & Prevention
How Menopause Impacts the Heart | Dr. Curnew MD
Webinar: Sudden Cardiac Death | Dr. Curnew MD
Webinar: Atrial Fibrillation
How Do EXERCISE, SMOKING, & ALCOHOL Impact Your Heart? | Understanding Heart Disease | Dr. Curnew
When do you need to see a cardiologist?
Webinar: Understanding Strokes | Reducing Your Risk | Dr. Curnew MD
How Alcohol Affects the Heart | What's on Dr. Curnew's Mind Series #2
Webinar: Managing Heart Failure & CKD Together | Dr. Curnew MD
Special Event: Cardiovascular Prevention | Where Did We Go Wrong? | Dr. Curnew MD